US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: A selection of forest condition indicators for monitoring

Author: Riitters, Kurt H.; Law, B.E.; Kucera, R.C.; Gallant, A.L.; DeVelice, R.L.; Palmer, C.J.

Date: 1992

Source: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 20:21- 33

Description: Regional monitoring and assessments of the health of forested ecosystems require indicators of forest conditions and environmental stresses. Indicator selections depend on objectives and the strategy for data collection and analysis. This paper recommends a set of indicators to signal changes in forest ecosystem distribution, productivity, and disturbance. Additional measurements are recommended to help ascribe those changes to climate variation, atmospheric deposition, and land use patterns. The rationale for these indicators is discusses in the context of a sequential monitoring and assessment strategy.


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Riitters, Kurt H.; Law, B.E.; Kucera, R.C.; Gallant, A.L.; DeVelice, R.L.; Palmer, C.J.  1992.  A selection of forest condition indicators for monitoring.   Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 20:21- 33

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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