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Title: An improved genetic map for Castanea mollissima/Castanea dentata and its relationship to the genetic map of Castanea sativa

Author: Sisco, P.H.; Kubisiak, T.L.; Casasoli, M.; Barreneche, T.; Kremer, A.; Clark, C.; Sederoff, R.R.; Hebard, F.V.; Villani, F.

Date: 2005

Source: In: Abreu, C.G.; Rosa, E.; Monteiro, A.A., eds. Proceedings of the III International Chestnut Congress. Acta Horticulturae 693. Leuven, [Belgium]: ISHS, 2005: 491-495

Description: We have added 275 AFLP and 24 SSR markers and the 5SrDNA locus to a previously published genetic map based on a hybrid cross between Castanea mollissima and C. denata. The SSR markers, 5SrDNA locus, and one isozyme locus also permitted us to correlate the linkage groups in the published genetic map of C. sativa with those in our C. Mollissima/C. dentata map. Correlating the map of European chestnut with that of American and Chinese chestnut will allow greater progress in mapping important physilogical and adaptive traits across species boundaries.

Keywords: chestnut, comparative mapping, synteny, AFLP, SSR, isozyme, Cryphonectrica parasitica, disease resistance, adaptive traits

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Sisco, P.H.; Kubisiak, T.L.; Casasoli, M.; Barreneche, T.; Kremer, A.; Clark, C.; Sederoff, R.R.; Hebard, F.V.; Villani, F.  2005.  An improved genetic map for Castanea mollissima/Castanea dentata and its relationship to the genetic map of Castanea sativa.   In: Abreu, C.G.; Rosa, E.; Monteiro, A.A., eds. Proceedings of the III International Chestnut Congress. Acta Horticulturae 693. Leuven, [Belgium]: ISHS, 2005: 491-495

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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