US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Ash content of loblolly pine wood as related to specific gravity, growth rate, and distance from pith

Author: McMillin, Charles W.

Date: 1968

Source: Wood Science, Vol. 2(1): 26-30

Description: In earlywood of Pinus taeda L. grown in central Louisiana, ash content generally decreased with increasing distance from the pith and icnreased with increases in rate of tree growth (as measured in rings per inch). Latewood ash content was unrelated to the gross wood factors of distance, from the pith, specific gravity, and growth rate. The ash content of early wood was higher (average 0.430 percent) than the ash content of latewood (average 0.389 percent).


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McMillin, Charles W.  1968.  Ash content of loblolly pine wood as related to specific gravity, growth rate, and distance from pith.   Wood Science, Vol. 2(1): 26-30

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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