US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Senarmont compensation for determining fibril angles of cell wall layers

Author: Manwiller, Floyd G.

Date: 1966

Source: Forest Products Journal, Vol. 16(10): 26-30

Description: A technique originated by Preston, is explained for determining fibril angles of the secondary wall layers of fibers. A polarizing microscope equipped with Senarmont compensator is used to measure birefringence of the wall layers in series of sections cut at various angles to the long axis of the cells. Enough measurements are taken on each section to give a representative average. A plot of birefringence against section angle for each kater defubes a cyrve. Fibril angle in the layer is estimated equal to the section angle corresponding to the maximum of this curve.


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Manwiller, Floyd G.  1966.  Senarmont compensation for determining fibril angles of cell wall layers.   Forest Products Journal, Vol. 16(10): 26-30

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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