US Forest Service

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Publication Information

Title: Analyzing the ecosystem carbon and hydrologic characteristics of forested wetland using a biogeochemical process model

Author: Cui, Jianbo; Li, Changsheng; Trettin, Carl

Date: 2005

Source: Global Change Biology 11, 278-289

Description: A comprehensive biogeochemical model, Wetland-DNDC, was applied to analyze the carbon and hydrologic characteristics of forested wetland ecosystem at Minnesota (MN) and Florida (FL) sites. The model simulates the flows of carbon, energy, and water in forested wetlands. Modeled carbon dynamics depends on physiological plant factors, the size of plant pools, environmental factors, and the total amount and turnover rates of soil organic matter. The model realistically simulated water level fluctuation, forest production, carbon pools change, and CO2 and CH4 emission under natural variations in different environmental actors at two sites. Analyses were focused on parameters and inputs potentially cause the greatest uncertainty in calculated change in plant and soil C and water levels fluctuation and shows that it was important to obtain accurate input data for initial C content, climatic conditions, and allocation of net primary production to various forested wetland components. The magnitude of the forest responses was dependent not only on the rate of changes in environmental factors, but also on site-specific conditions such as climate and soil. This paper explores the ability of using the biogeochemical process model Wetland-DNDC to estimate the carbon and hydrologic dynamics of forested wetlands and shifts in these dynamics in response to changing environmental conditions.

Keywords: biogeochemical modeling, carbon cycling, carbon pools, forested wetlands, greenhouse gases emission, hydrological process

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Cui, Jianbo; Li, Changsheng; Trettin, Carl  2005.  Analyzing the ecosystem carbon and hydrologic characteristics of forested wetland using a biogeochemical process model.   Global Change Biology 11, 278-289

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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