US Forest Service

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Publication Information

Title: Planting Pine in the Carolina Sandhills

Author: Shipman, Robert D.

Date: 1958

Source: USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Old Station Paper SO-096

Station ID: OSP-SE-096

Description: The man who is going to plant pine in the Sandhills will inevitablv ask himself, "When shall I plant? What species will I choose? How do I plant them? What are the chances for survival?" These have been some of the knotty questions asked by foresters and landowners for many years in the adverse Sandhill sites. Now, after 4 years of intensive regeneration research, we have some answers, many of them partial, but with helpful leads. Slost of our research has been with longleaf pine, the species most difficult to establish on dry, Sandhill areas. Successful planting methods developed for this species will, in our opinion, apply in general to the more easily established species. The most urgent problem in the Sandhills is survival--how to bring the area into production of forest crops at reasonable cost.


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Shipman, Robert D.   1958.  Planting Pine in the Carolina Sandhills.   USDA Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Old Station Paper SO-096

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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