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Publication Information

Title: Riparian ecotone: A functional definition and delineation for resource assessment

Author: Verry, E. S; Dolloff, C. A; Manning, M. E.

Date: 2004

Source: Water. air. and Soil Pllution: Focus 4: 67-94

Description: We propose a geomorphic basis for defining riparian areas using the term: riparian ecotone, discuss how past definitions fall short, and illustrate how a linked sequence of definition, delineation, and riparian sampling are used to accurately assess riparian resources on the ground. Our riparian ecotone is based on the width of the valley (its floodprone area width) plus 30 meters on each side to encompass the important adjacent riparian functions, and 15 meters around obvious landslides. A functionally consistent riparian definition and delineation does not derive from land adjacent to a stream, rather it derives from the valley the stream runs through.

Keywords: Floodprone area, geomorphology, riparian corridors, riparian ecosystems, riparian resources, streams, streamside management area, streamside management zone, riparian area, valleys

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Verry, E. S; Dolloff, C. A; Manning, M. E.  2004.  Riparian ecotone: A functional definition and delineation for resource assessment.   Water. air. and Soil Pllution: Focus 4: 67-94

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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