US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Recent results from PB-Piedmont - a model to simulate smoke on the ground at night

Author: Achtemeier, Gary L.

Date: 2003

Source: In: Second International Wildland Fire Ecology And Fire Management Congress And Fifth Symposium On Fire And Forest Meteorology, November 16-20, Orlando, Florida, p. 1-5

Description: The continued supply of our Nation's paper and other wood products increasingly depends on wood fiber produced from Southern forests. Approximately 200 million acres (81 ha) of forestland are within the 13 Southern United States-roughly south of the Ohio River and from Texas east. Although these States represent only 24 percent of America's land area, 40 percent of the Nation's forestland lies within this region. Southern forests are dynamic ecosystems that, under good land stewardship practices, can continue to supply the myriad of goods and services that the American public relies on (SRFRR 1996).


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Achtemeier, Gary L.  2003.  Recent results from PB-Piedmont - a model to simulate smoke on the ground at night .   In: Second International Wildland Fire Ecology And Fire Management Congress And Fifth Symposium On Fire And Forest Meteorology, November 16-20, Orlando, Florida, p. 1-5

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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