US Forest Service

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Publication Information

Title: The Not-So-Sudden Results of the Sudden Saw Log Study - Growth and Yield Through Age 45

Author: Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Leduc, Daniel J.; Ferguson, Robert B.; Baker, James B.; Busby, Rodney L.

Date: 1998

Source: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference

Description: The Sudden-Saw Log Study, located near Crossett, AR, was established to test the hypothesis that lobfolly pine plantations can produce sawtimber on good sites in 30 years. Study measurements reported at stand age 33 years show that the hypothesis is true. Fortunately, the study was not terminated at that time. Inventory data were also collected at stand ages 36, 39, and 45 years. By stand age 45, average Doyle board-foot volume sawtimber yields for all treatments were not significantly different, averaging 21,889 bf/acre, although the mean diameter of trees that received intensive management (20.4 inches) was 38 percent greater than that of trees receiving the control treatment (14.9 inches). The control treatment always produced the greatest cubic-foot volume (9,422 ft3 at age 45), and after age 33 led all other treatments in predicted financial returns.


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Baldwin, V. Clark, Jr.; Leduc, Daniel J.; Ferguson, Robert B.; Baker, James B.; Busby, Rodney L.  1998.  The Not-So-Sudden Results of the Sudden Saw Log Study - Growth and Yield Through Age 45.   Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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