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Title: Projecting Timber Inventory at the Product Level

Author: Teeter, Lawrence; Zhou, Xiaoping

Date: 1999

Source: Forest Science 45(2) 1999

Description: Current timber inventory projections generally lack information on inventory by product classes. Most models available for inventory projection and linked to supply analyses are limited to projecting aggregate softwood and hardwood. The research presented describes a methodology for distributing the volume on each FIA (USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis) survey plot to product classes given a type characterization, volume, and average dbh (diameter at breast height, 1.37 m above average ground level) for the plot. A multinomial logit model was developed to estimate sets of product proportion functions to distribute plot volumes by product class for each forest type and size class. A discussion of the performance of the model using Alabama and Mississippi FIA plot level data is provided.

Keywords: inventory projection, multinomial logit model, timber product classes, timber supply, FIA data

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Teeter, Lawrence; Zhou, Xiaoping  1999.  Projecting Timber Inventory at the Product Level.   Forest Science 45(2) 1999

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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