US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Weight, Volume, and Physical Properties of Major Hardwood Species in the Upland-South

Author: Clark, Alexander, III; Phillips, Douglas R.; Frederick, Douglas J.

Date: 1986

Source: Res. Pap. SE-257. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. 61 p.

Station ID: RP-SE-257

Description: The weight, volume, and physical properties oftrees1 to 20 inchesd.b.h.were determined for sweetgum, yellow-poplar, hickory, post oak, scarlet oak, southern red oak, and white oakin northern Alabama and Mississippi, eastern Arkansas, southern Kentucky and Tennessee. Hard hardwoods, soft hardwoods, and individual species equations are presented for predicting green and dry weight and green volume of the total tree above stump and its components. Input variables are d.b.h.and total height, d.b.h.and height to a 4-inch top, d.b.h.and saw-log merchantable height, and d.b.h. alone. Average specific gravity, moisture content, and weight per cubicfoot of wood, bark, and wood and bark combined are presented for each species by tree size, class, and component. Bark percentage isalsopresentedforeach species by tree size, class,and component.

Keywords: Biomass, equations, specific gravity, moisture content, bark percentage, weight per cubic foot

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Clark, Alexander, III; Phillips, Douglas R.; Frederick, Douglas J.  1986.  Weight, Volume, and Physical Properties of Major Hardwood Species in the Upland-South.   Res. Pap. SE-257. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station. 61 p.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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