The Library of Congress

Search Tips List

Use search words to find items in American Memory historical collections. Try synonyms and related words to improve your search results.

African Americans - abolition, black, colored, names of individuals, Negro, Negroes, slavery, suffrage

agriculture - crops, names of crops, farms, harvest, land, livestock, names of livestock

celebrities and prominent individuals - actors, senators, artists, writers, names of individuals

cities and towns - neighborhoods, markets, peddlers, slums, streets, names of cities

emigration and immigration - aliens, colonization, emigrants, immigrants, migration, ports of entry, nationalities, names of places

ethnicity - culture, race, pluralism, names of ethnic groups

family - child, children, divorce, home, household, husband, marriage, spouse, wife

industry - businesses, factories, names of companies, types of industries, manufacturing, production, work

labor - names of occupations, factory, guilds, migrants, strikes, unions

recreation - amusement parks, beaches, boats, games, hobbies, names of sports, leisure, parks, playgrounds

scenic views - names of places, landscape, panorama, view, vista

transportation - automobiles, cars, carts, horses, railroads, ships, trains, vessels, wagons

war - arms, artillery, battlefields, bombers, casualties, infantry, military, names of wars, troops, weapons

women - females, girls, names of individuals, ladies, mother, suffrage

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Last updated 09/26/2002