"If I Had My Own Farm"
If you have already sent in your picture - click here

You can make your own or use  the drawing page below. Just click to open it and print. 

If I Had My Own Farm page

If you had your own farm, what kinds of food would you grow?  What kinds of animals would your raise?  Would you have a barn?  Would you run a fruit stand?

Draw a picture of your farm and tell us all about it.

You can select and print the drawing page on the left, or you can make up your own page. 

When you have finished your drawing, write just your first name, your age, and the city and state you live in on the back of your drawing and send it to FSA Kids.

We will post your drawing on the FSA Kids website. Deadline is August 15th.

Mail to:

FSA Kids
USDA Farm Service Agency
316 W. Boone Ave, Suite 568
Spokane, WA  99201