Whooping Crane Photo of Wildlife

There is only one wild migratory flock of whooping cranes of about 194 birds. The flock migrates from Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas. This arduous journey of 2,700 miles takes weeks. In the 1950s, there were less than 20 birds left. Governments and conservation groups helped save the flock.

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Whooping cranes

Whooping cranes need the Central Platte River to survive.
The migratory whooping cranes depend on rest points along their incredible migration - and a key rest spot is the Central Platte River area in Nebraska. Learn more about their migration and this special place.
Can you do this?

Global warming is the greatest threat to wildlife
Demand strong climate legislation.

Endangered Species Act
The whooping crane depends on the Endangered Species Act to ensure its very precarious survival - stand up for the Act today!

Demand good water planning and protect the wetland resting spots and homes of the whooping crane.

Wildlife Watch 2008
Track spring across the nation.

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