Florida Panther Photo of Wildlife

Historically, the Florida panther ranged throughout the southeastern United States. However, following years of persecution and habitat loss, there are about 80 Florida panthers occupying only 5 percent of their historic range. With current conservation and scientific efforts underway, the Florida panther has a fighting chance at survival.

Visit our new adoption center and symbolically adopt a Florida panther today!

Featured Activity - You can do this

Florida panther

The Florida Everglades are a national treasure for wildlife.
Take a virtual tour of this breathtaking ecosystem to see wild places we must save for wildlife such as the Florida panther.

Can you do this?

Global warming is the greatest threat to wildlife
Demand strong climate legislation.

Endangered Species Act
The Florida panther depends on the Endangered Species Act to ensure its very precarious survival - stand up for the Act today!

It's seeping into our food chain and having direct impacts on wildlife such as the Florida panther. But we can stand up and reduce this pollution today.

Demand good water planning for ecosystems such as the Everglades that have been replumbed to the point where they don't work right anymore.

Endangered Cats
The Florida panther is just one type of endangered cat found in North America.

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