Policy Solutions Global Warming

At all levels of government, we can stand up and demand a better energy policy for America that confronts global warming and protects wildlife.

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Congress and Global Warming

What is Congress doing to confront global warming?

Americans deserve better energy choices that are cheaper and cleaner than fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources and energy-saving technologies will free us from dependency on expensive fossil fuels, recharge America's economy and solve the climate crisis.

Global warming legislation that reduces global warming pollution from fossil fuels, and invests in alternative energy, will give our families the energy choices we deserve. Without global warming legislation, oil prices will continue to be unpredictable and rise even higher.

Can you do this?

We can not drill our way out of this energy crisis!
Contact your Senators and tell them to pass comprehensive global warming legislation that can deliver better energy choices for all Americans.

States and Global Warming
What is happening at the state level to confront global warming?

Arctic Refuge
Most Americans agree that there is not enough oil in the Arctic Refuge to be worth the loss of this place, its people and its wildlife.

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