The National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology® program promotes climate leadership and sustainability among colleges and universities by providing resources and technical support, creating networking opportunities and organizing education events.

Maybe your campus is just learning about recycling. Or maybe your university is leading the way in green construction. Whatever your level, the Campus Ecology program has been helping individuals and campuses address sustainability and climate change since 1989. And our members have been making a difference. We have the stories to prove it.

2008 Case Studies

2008 Sustainability Case Studies

Learn about the sustainability practices of our Campus Ecology members. Check out the 2008 sustainability case studies highlighting best practices in energy conservation, climate action, habitat restoration, waste reduction and more.

View the 2008 Case Studies

National Teach In

National Teach-In on Global Warming Solutions

Join millions of Americans at thousands of campuses and other institutions in a dialogue about the clean energy transformation that can stop global warming.

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    Watch what schools are doing to green their campuses.
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    Read and comment on the Campus Ecology Blog.
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    Join the Campus Ecology group and invite your friends.


Campus Ecology...It takes a big step to make a smaller footprint.

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