Bald Eagle Photo of Wildlife

What does it say about a nation when its national bird is threatened? Luckily, the bald eagle's story is one of recovery. With the banning of chemicals such as DDT, this majestic bird has made a comeback. While there are still many threats, its future looks good.

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Featured Activity - You can do this

Bald eagle

What can we do about mercury?
It's seeping into our food chain and having direct impacts on wildlife such as the bald eagle. But we can stand up and reduce this pollution today.
Can you do this?

Global warming is the greatest threat to wildlife
Demand strong climate legislation.

Endangered Species Act
Without this Act, the bald eagle might not have recovered to the levels we see today. Now it's time to stand up for this Act and all endangered species.

Eagle Cam in Maine
See eagles tending their nest during the fall and winter, and raising chicks in spring and summer.

Eagles in Vermont
The National Wildlife Federation is leading efforts to reintroduce the bald eagle in Vermont - the last state in the contiguous United States without its own breeding pairs.

Peregrine Falcon
View what National Wildlife Federation's Northeast Natural Resource Center is doing for peregrine falcon recovery efforts in Vermont and find out how teachers can borrow a Bald eagle education box.

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