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Council on History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Soil Science

Committee S205.1 of the Soil Science Society of America

Committee S205.1 of the Soil Science Society of America promotes study of the historical development of soil science, different cultural images and perceptions of soil, ways that soil impacts our society, and related issues and subjects. A major goal of our committee is to provide a forum that will encourage interdisciplinary research into these areas. This includes utilizing S205.1 as a way for individuals in diverse fields who are interested in these issues to interact and form productive collaborations. We do this through S205.1 activities as well as through collaborations with the Commission on the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Soil Science of the International Union of Soil Sciences. Individuals in any field, soil science, geology, geography, history, archeology, etc., with an interest in these issues are encouraged to participate in S205.1 activities.

If you have an interest in soil science history, philosophy, and/or sociology, you are encouraged to contact any of the individuals below for additional information on our activities. You are also welcome to browse this website and its related resources to aid you in your own work.

Committee Guidelines (PDF)

Upcoming S205.1 Events


Related Committees and Organizations

Soil History, Philosophy, and Sociology Research Aids