Several state soil profiles  
United States Consortium of
Soil Science Associations
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Welcome to the web site of the United States Consortium of Soil Science Associations (USCSSA).

The USCSSA is a framework established to promote national communication and coordination between soils societies and associations. The ultimate goal is for these groups to excel in sharing information and working together in promoting common goals, objectives, and activities.


 USCSSA Brochure    New Publications
USCSSA Brochure

A New Framework for Communicating and Networking

Printed May 2003

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Hemingway's Tribute to Soil

Hemingway's Tribute to SoilBy Henry Mount,
Retired soil scientist,
Natural Resources Conservation Service,
US Department of Agriculture


Posted 06/19/06

 What's New

From Philip Small, NSCSS (posted 09/08/08)

I have good news from the National Society of Consulting Soil Scientists for private sector soil scientists, and, hopefully for you also.

Our Washington State Soil Scientist, Ron Myhrum, has been given the support he needs to include NSCSS members on the USDA-NRCS roster of cooperating soil scientists. The state roster promotes closer communication and is used to deliver critical technical updates and announce meeting, training and job opportunities. That is good news for the soil science profession as a whole and especially good news for the lone soil scientist.

Consulting soil scientists often operate in relative separation from their professional peers. That can be the case for others, such as local government soil scientists. Proficiency in using National Cooperative Soil Survey standards is a core skill set that enables soil scientists to engage in a wide diversity of applications. Having our nation's State Soil Scientists reach out to embrace NCSS' full complement of cooperators is most welcome.

I am sending this same message to 110 individuals. 104 of you are soil scientists, 26 are private sector soil scientists, 11 are planning and environmental health agency soil scientists, and 5 are members of NSCSS. Soil scientists, regardless of consulting activity, qualify as NSCSS members. You know where you stand in this tally. Regardless, you are receiving this because we can use your support in growing the business of soil science. Soil scientist, student, or affiliate: you all should be a members. Please join NSCSS.

Soil Science Exam and Prep-course (posted 07/11/08)

The following is from Luther Smith, Director-Certification and Licensing – SSSA of a new opportunity for students and other interested people to get certified as Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) or Classifier (CPSC).

For the first time, SSSA and the Council of Soil Science Examiners (CSSE) will be offering the Fundamentals in Soil Science Exam prep-course and the Soil Science exam during the joint annual SSSA meetings in Houston, Texas. Both the prep-course and the exam will be offered on the same day, Monday, October 6th in Room 336AB at the Hilton Hotel.

The attachment (doc) provides the details on registration, cost etc. Any questions on this activity may be directed to Luther Smith at

Latest News on the Smithsonian Soils Exhibit

The small state soil profiles used above, and the images from the photo collage (Soils All Around Us) are all courtesy of USDA NRCS. Click here to learn more about the images.
State Soils

Nebraska Soil Profile (Holdrege)Did you know that each US state has an official state soil? Learn more from the USDA NRCS State Soils web site.

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University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Web site services courtesy of the School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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