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Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination
June 2000 - March 2001

Information on the NCLIS study of the planned closure of NTIS undertaken in the October 1999 - March 2000 timeframe is available at "Preliminary Assessment of NTIS Closure." The Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination that NCLIS embarked on incorporates the next stage of the NTIS study.

Senator Lieberman and Former Chairperson Gould
(Former) Chairperson Martha Gould presenting
Senator Joseph Lieberman a copy of A Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination, Final Report, Volume 1

  1. Final Report and Appendices
  2. (Vol. 1 and 2: limited copies available in print; Vol. 3 and 4 available in electronic format only)
    • A Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination,
      Final Report, Volume 1 (January 26, 2001) (PDF) in pdf format
      (Executive Summary, Report, and Appendices 1 through 10) (PDF) in pdf format
    • A Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination,
      Final Report, Volume 2: Legislative and Regulatory Proposals (PDF) in pdf format
      (Appendices 11 through 12)(PDF) in pdf format [Volume 2 contains the Commission's legislative proposal: The Public Information Resources Reform Act of 2001 (Appendix 11) and suggested revisions to the Paperwork Reduction Act and OMB Circular A-130 (Appendix 12).
    • A Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination,
      Final Report, Volume 3: Supplementary Reference Materials (PDF) in pdf format
      (Appendices 13 through 34) (PDF) in pdf format [Volume 3 contains supplementary reference materials, including White Papers, Panel Reports, survey results and bibliographies.]
    • A Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination, Final Report, Volume 4: Compilation of Recent Federal Statutes Pertaining to Public Information Dissemination (DRAFT ONLY); (Appendix 35) (PDF) in pdf format (available in electronic format only)
      [Volume 4 contains A Compilation of Recent Federal Statutes Pertaining to Public Information Dissemination. The Index to the Compilation is available in Appendix 32]
    • Executive Summary (PDF) in pdf format
    • Appendices
      • Volume 1 (Appendices 1-10) (PDF) in pdf format
        • Appendix 1. Letter from Senator John McCain to NCLIS Chairperson Martha B. Gould — June 12, 2000
        • Appendix 2. Letter from NCLIS Chairperson Martha B. Gould to Senator John McCain — June 27, 2000, replying to letter of June 12, 2000
        • Appendix 3. Letter from Senator Joseph I. Lieberman to NCLIS Chairperson Martha B. Gould — July 17, 2000
        • Appendix 4. Letter from NCLIS Chairperson Martha B. Gould to Senator Joseph I. Lieberman — August 7, 2000, replying to letter of July 17, 2000
        • Appendix 5. Letter from NCLIS Chairperson Martha B. Gould to Secretary of Commerce Norman Y. Mineta — August 1, 2000
        • Appendix 6. Letter from Secretary of Commerce Norman Y. Mineta to NCLIS Chairperson Martha B. Gould — September 1, 2000, replying to letter of August 1, 2000
        • Appendix 7. Letter from NCLIS Chairperson Martha B. Gould to Secretary of Commerce Norman Y. Mineta — October 10, 2000
        • Appendix 8. Letter from Secretary of Commerce Norman Y. Mineta to NCLIS Chairperson Martha B. Gould — November 21, 2000, replying to letter of October 10, 2000
        • Appendix 9. NCLIS Press Release Announcing the Comprehensive Assessment of Public Information Dissemination — June 26, 2000
        • Appendix 10. NCLIS Principles of Public Information — June 29, 1990
      • Volume 2 - The Legislative and Regulatory Proposals (Appendices 11-12) (PDF) in pdf format
        • Appendix 11. The Public Information Resources Reform Act of 2001
          • Schematic Representation of the Components of the Proposed Public Information Resources Reform Act of 2001
            The file is available as PDF in pdf format and as PPT (Microsoft® Powerpoint). It needs to be printed landscape.
        • Appendix 12. Suggested Revisions to The Paperwork Reduction Act and OMB Circular A-130
      • Volume 3 - Supplementary Reference Materials (Appendices 13-34) (PDF) in pdf format (available in electronic format only)
        • Appendix 13. NCLIS Study Plan Outline — July 25, 2000
        • Appendix 14. Some Issues/Concerns to Address — July 25, 2000
        • Appendix 15. Some Important Information Age Paradigms Shifts and Their Associated Myths and Realities — written by F. Woody Horton, NCLIS Consultant
        • Appendix 16. Government Information Life Cycle Management — written by F. Woody Horton, NCLIS Consultant
        • Appendix 17. An Invited Retrospective Appraisal of the 1982 NCLIS Public Sector/Private Sector Task Force Report — written by Robert M. Hayes, Chairman, NCLIS Public Sector/Private Sector Task Force and Member, NCLIS Group of Experts
        • Appendix 18. The World Wide Library — written by Christopher Burns, Member, NCLIS Group of Experts
        • Appendix 19. FirstGov: A Preliminary Assessment — written by William H. Price, Member, NCLIS Group of Experts
        • Appendix 20. Linking The Information Life Cycle Concept With Digital Libraries — written by Satadip Dutta, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and Reviewed by Edward A. Fox and Shalin Urs
        • Appendix 21. Creating the Magic of Information — written by Paul G. Zurkowski, Member, NCLIS Group of Experts
        • Appendix 22. Study Panels and Group of Experts Memberships
        • Appendix 23. Panel One: Final Report on A Reformed NTIS Business Model for the Internet Age
        • Appendix 24. Panel Two: Final Report on Federal Agency Needs for Central Information Services and Information Management
        • Appendix 25. Panel Three: Final Report on Citizen, Business, Lower Levels of Government, Library, and Other Needs for Public Information Products and Services
        • Appendix 26. Panel Four: Final Report on Renewed and Strengthened Partnerships Between the Public and Private Sectors for Public Information Dissemination
        • Appendix 27. Survey of Selected Federal Agency Policies, Programs and Practices Relating to Public Information Dissemination — conducted by F. Woody Horton and Sarah Kadec, NCLIS consultants
        • Appendix 28. Survey of the Public Information Needs of Disadvantaged and Special Populations — conducted by F. Woody Horton and Sarah Kadec, NCLIS consultants
        • Appendix 29. Public Information Resources Maps — compiled by the Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) and the Government Documents Roundtable (GODORT) of the American Library Association (ALA)
        • Appendix 30. European Commission Green Paper on Public Sector Information in the Information Society
        • Appendix 31. A Bibliography of Government Information Dissemination Resources — compiled by Sarah Kadec and Barbara Whiteleather, NCLIS Consultants
        • Appendix 32. A Bibliography of National Information Policies — compiled by Dean Toni Carbo and graduate students, School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, and updated in 2000 by Marilyn Ochoa
        • Appendix 33. Index to a Compilation of Recent Federal Statutes Pertaining to Public Information Dissemination
        • Appendix 34. NCLIS Comprehensive Assessment Web Page Table of Contents as of January 26, 2001
      • Volume 4 - Compilation of Recent Federal Statutes Pertaining to Public Information Dissemination (DRAFT ONLY.)
        • Appendix 35. A Compilation of Recent Federal Statutes Pertaining to Public Information Dissemination (PDF) in pdf format (available in electronic format only)

  3. Congressional and Executive Branch Communications Not In the Appendices
  4. Study Goals, Organization, Plans, Meetings, & Schedules Not In the Appendices
  5. Stakeholder Communications
  6. Panel and Group of Experts Communications
  7. Study-Relevant Articles, Reports and Directives, Publications, Studies, and Conferences
  8. Additional references are included in the bibliographies in Appendices 31 and 32 in Section 1 above

    A. Articles

    B. Reports and Directives

    C. Studies

    D. Conferences

    E. Correspondence

  9. Web Site Links
  10. Listed below are links to web sites that organize and facilitate public access to a wide range of federal government information, provide public information locator tools, provide online databases, offer special insights for how to efficiently and effectively access government information, or illuminate policy, legal, security, privacy, or similar kinds of issues and concerns related to information access and dissemination. These links are cited here for research and study purposes. Listing them here does not necessarily imply NCLIS endorsement.

    A. Sites Under Development

    B. Sites Operational

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