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Introduction to the IEEE Copyright Form

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The Electronic IEEE Copyright Form is Available for All IEEE Volunteers.

Click here for more information. 


IEEE policy requires that prior to publication all authors or their employers must transfer to the IEEE in writing any copyright they hold for their individual papers. Transferring copyright is a necessary requirement for publication, except for material in the public domain or which is reprinted with permission from a previously published, copyrighted publication.

Upon transferring copyright to IEEE, authors and/or their companies have the right to post their IEEE-copyrighted material on their own servers without permission, provided that the server displays a prominent notice alerting readers to their obligations with respect to copyrighted material and that the posted work includes an IEEE copyright notice.

Authors are particularly encouraged to note the "Author Responsibilities" section of the IEEE Copyright Form, in which portions of IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, section 8.1.1.B (concerning statements in work published by IEEE are the expression of the authors) appear.

Viewing and Printing the Form

  1. View and print a .pdf or .doc version of the Form.
  2. View an .html version of the Form. Please note that printing from this .html version is not recommended unless your browser's font size is set to "small." To avoid formatting difficulties, please use the "printer-friendly" link at the top of the page, or print the Form from the .pdf or .doc version.


Email the IEEE IPR Office.

 What do you want to do?
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 IPR Tutorial Series

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PSPB Operations Manual   Publication policies of the IEEE as set by the Publications Services and Products Board and approved by the IEEE Board of Directors

 Plagiarism Flowchart

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