United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Teton Mountain Range

EQIP ArcIMS Summary

The Wyoming EQIP Prioritization ArcIMS application was a joint project between Wyoming NRCS and NCGC. This tool was designed to assist both field and state office personnel with evaluating and prioritizing EQIP applications for funding.

To enter an application, the user logs onto a special website and zooms to their area of interest. With one click, they place a point representing the location of a livestock waste facility. In the background, complex GIS overlay operations are occurring using aquifer sensitivity, distance to water and impaired watersheds. While this is occurring, the user answers a few simple questions and the answers and GIS analyses are reliably scored and ranked.

This new method takes about 5-10 minutes as opposed to the 2-4 hours it used to take. In addition, the program coordinator can access the application ranking at anytime and see how much money remains.

This tool was deployed online in mid-December 2004. A paper describing the development and internal processes of this tool was published for the January 2005 ESRI Federal User Conference in Washington D.C. where it was also demoed. In February 2005, the tool was demoed to Chief Knight and again in March 2005 to Chief Knight’s principal staff and deputies.