United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Liner Design for Animal Waste Containment (000093)


This course instructs participants in planning, design and installation of animal waste containment systems. It discuses compacted clay liners; chemical dispensers and bentonite; soil liners treatment with soil additives; flexible geo-synthetic liners and geo membranes. The course focuses on planning for animal waste containment including structures and the selection of appropriate structures for animal waste containment structures and the determination of appropriate geo-synthetic materials for selected sites. It also covers quality control and quality assurance tests in selection, design, installing, and filed testing of liner and geo-synthetic liner systems. Participants have hands-on experience with geo-membrane materials such as HDPE, LLDPE, PVC, and GCLs. Class conducts exercises in construction procedures for major geo-synthetic types, and explores the advantages and disadvantages of using given material for selected sites.

 The core reference material for the course is: Appendix 10D, Chapter 10 Agriculture Waste Management Field Handbook. Publications from various manufactures provide supplementary reference materials.


Upon completion of this training, participants will be able to:

  • evaluate the characteristics of a specific site and select the appropriate liner system for animal waste containment.
  • compute seepage quantities from designed animal waste containment structures.
  • evaluate soil types and their suitability for a clay or treated liner system
  • critically evaluate compaction test results of soils.
  • evaluate the various geomembrane materials available and select one appropriate to the site requirements.
  • design an appropriate liner system including the appropriate conservation practice standards and material specifications for each major liner type.
  • explain the appropriate quality control and quality assurance procedures needed for each type of liner to achieve a successful animal waste containment system.


Soil Mechanics: Modules 1,2,3 - Classification of Soils-Level 1; Module 4 - Volume Weight Relationships; Module 5 - Compaction


4 days

Target Audience

Geologists, design engineers, field engineers and civil engineering technicians who have or will be assigned design and installation responsibilities for animal waste containment systems.

NEDC Contact

Stanley Sackeyfio

Technical Specialist

Danny McCook, Geothermal Engineer, National Design, Construction and Soil Mechanics Center (NDCSMC)


Go to AgLearn to request enrollment in Liner Design for Animal Waste Containment (000093).