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Trade Enforcement Act of 2008

To amend United States trade laws to eliminate foreign barriers to exports of United States goods and services, to restore rights under trade remedy laws, to strengthen enforcement of United States intellectual property rights and health and safety laws at United States borders, and for other purposes.

previous 110th session of congress Other Bill Titles (2 more)

Trade Enforcement Act of 2008 - Amends the Trade Act of 1974 to revise certain trade provisions to require the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to:
(1) review U.S. trade expansion priorities; and
(2) report to Congress on priori... moreSee Full Bill Text


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July 17, 2008
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July 22, 2008 USW Supports Newly Proposed 'Trade Enforcement Act of 2008'

HR 6530 also sends an important message to the World Trade Organization (WTO) trading partners in the Doha Round negotiations that WTO rulings cannot ...

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Source: Earthtimes (press release), UK

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September 23, 2008 Expeditors Newsflash - Americas Edition

H.R. 6530 also includes provisions that would identify, and require government to address, certain barriers discouraging U.S. export trade. Certain personnel would be tasked with ensuring trade partners complied with trade agreements. ...

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Source: Expeditors Newsflash - Asia Edition

September 16, 2008 legislative update: trade preferences, ipr enforcement most likely ...

the issue is expected to be a top priority in 2009, however, and the baseline for discussions will likely be a bill (hr 6530) introduced july 17 by house ways and means committee chairman charles rangel, dn.y., and trade subcommittee ...

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Source: TAHOCO Logistics Inc. E-News

August 11, 2008 trade enforcement bill introduced

on july 17, two house ways and means committee members introduced a trade enforcement bill hr 6530 designed to promote market access for us goods and services and reinforce remedies against unfair trade practices. ...

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Source: Boskage Trade News

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