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Live Webcast Information

Last Updated: January 05, 2009 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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Image:Feature for eXtension feedlot.jpgThe next live webcasts is January 16, 2009 and will be on "Feeding Strategies to Reduce Animal Air Emissions".

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Home Page

The next live webcast, on January 16, will be "Targeted Feeding Strategies to Reduce Animal Air Emissions" The presentation will start at 2:30 pm (eastern); 1:30 pm (central); 12:30 pm (mountain); and 11:30 am (pacific).

Virtual Meeting Room

Connect Now

The meeting room is opened approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. If you want to bookmark it, the URL for the virtual meeting room is

Power Point Slides

The power point slides are generally posted during the morning on the day of the live webcast.

Having Trouble?

Webcast Troubleshooting

Continuing Education Units

Certified Crop Advisers (CCA)

  • CCAs attending a live webcast should type their name, CCA# and email address into the "chat" pod. This information will be submitted to the CCA program.
  • CCAs viewing any of our past (archived) webcasts can receive credit through the self-study option by following links on the CCA Continuing Education page.

American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS)

  • ARPAS members viewing live webcasts should type their name, "ARPAS" and email address into the chat pod. The member is still responsible for reporting their attendance to the assocition.
  • ARPAS members viewing any of our past webcasts can also self-certify those credits at the ARPAS Continuing Education page.

Other Programs

  • Members of other programs attending live webcasts, should log into the virtual meeting room with their first and last name. After the webcast, they should request an attendance list, and flyer from the project manager, Jill Heemstra at The member can submit that information to their certifying organization for consideration.
  • Members of other programs viewing archived webcasts can request a quiz from the project manager which, after completion, can be submitted along with the flyer to the certifying organization for consideration.

Archived Webcast

The webcast will be archived and available for on-demand viewing on the Monday following the presentation. Go to webcast archive...

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Wm F. Tooley on 05.16.08 at 07:53 PM
Great topic. Keep me posted about upcomming. Maybe put the next conference on this page?

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