Invasive Species


The National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) is a web resource whose management and content is directed by the National Agricultural Library (NAL).Its purpose is to provide quality information and education about invasive species found in the United States, and about their far-reaching impacts on society, the environment, and the economy. This interactive learning module, created by a team at the University Of Arizona Office Of Arid Lands Studies, was created to advance these goals.


This module is intended to focus on the information needs of non-professionals – those interested in learning about invasive species and why this topic is significant to their lives. First, the module leads off with an Introduction about the problem in general and why it is relevant. Next, you will learn about much of the terminology used when discussing invasive species in Invasive Species Defined. The module is then divided into sections about specific invasive species: Plants, Insects, Animals, and Microbes and Fungi.  Next is a section about the Economic, Ecological, and Social Impacts of invasive species; how they cost money and other resources, and how they affect our environment and our personal lives. The module wraps up with a discussion of What’s Being Done about the problem and includes information about how government agencies address and manage this problem.