Region 2 Location Map

research, education and extension
Peconic Estuary Program Education Programming
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Regional Program Priority
Issue Areas

Animal Waste Management

Drinking Water and Human Health

Nutrient Management

Watershed Management

Regional Initiatives

Animal Waste Management for Small Farms

Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Management

Water Quality Trading

Watershed Management

Water Reuse

Success Stories

Advisory Committee

Programs by State/

Annual Meetings


Previous Page

The Peconic Estuary Program is an element of the US EPA National Estuary Program. The estuary is located on the eastern end of Long Island in southern New York State. It is a unique water body that the Nature Conservancy has included on its list of "Last Great Places." The estuary includes an array of water and upland habitats, is home to many aquatic and terrestrial species, and supports numerous recreational and commercial activities. The surrounding area is characterized by highly productive agricultural operations, including wineries and ornamental growers, and by residential and vacation homes.

The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) for the restoration and protection of this valuable natural resource recently has been approved by US EPA and the other involved state and local partners. An important element of the CCMP is to provide educational programming for the organizations and individuals who use and enjoy the resources of the Peconic, and whose activities can affect its quality. To provide support in carrying out this key program element, Cornell faculty representing the Regional Water Quality Program have met with Peconic Estuary Program staff. As a result of these discussions, we have drafted a concept paper that identifies elements of a comprehensive educational program and provides examples of educational activities that can address key water quality issues and audiences. As a next step, the regional program will propose carrying out one or two small projects to gather input from stakeholders and to test innovative educational approaches.

Developing effective models for working within the context of locally based environmental initiatives offers substantial opportunities for engagement by the Land Grant Universities. Our involvement can serve as an important model for collaborative approaches among EPA, the campus and county-based resources of the Land Grant Universities and the other involved state and local program partners.

In Region 2 alone, nearly a dozen major initiatives of this type are currently underway, with many smaller projects also being carried out. Locally based initiatives are rapidly becoming important components of water quality programming throughout the country. Involvement by the Land Grant institutions provides unique opportunities to test and apply innovative science-based educational approaches.

Project leads:

Ann Lemley
Chair, Department of Textiles and Apparel
Cornell University
209 Martha Van
Ithaca, New York 14853
Phone: 609 255-3151
Fax: 607 255-1093

Deborah Grantham
307A Rice Hall
Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853-5601
Phone: 607 255-4931
Fax: 607 255-4662

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