Trees Tree Guide

Tree Guide

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About our Tree Guide offers detailed information on dozens of commonly planted landscape trees that grow throughout the United States. Here you will find information on height and spread, soil and sun requirements, leaves and fruit, history, wildlife habitat, and more. Click here for a key to our categories.

  • Browse our trees in alphabetical order. You can sort by common name, scientific name, or family.

  • Search our Database. To search our database, you may search for a tree by common name or by scientific name by typing into the search bar to your left. For example, type “oak” and we'll return a list of oaks. You can also use our advanced search to do a search of our entire database as well as by specific type, soil, sun, hardiness zone, spread, height, or shape.


Creation of the Tree Guide was supported by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program on the recommendation of the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC.)

USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry NUCFAC

Twenty-five of our trees have photos that were provided courtesy of Horticopia™. Many others were provided by Robin Orans of Horticultural Photography™. For details, please click here.

Please see our bibliography of resources.


How accurate is your information? Our detailed tree information has been compiled by our tree experts. We have cross referenced multiple resources to ensure accuracy.

Do you sell trees? Yes. Look for the buy icon in our tree detail pages. Click on it to find prices and shipping information. If the icon is missing, we don't currently have that tree for sale. Go directly to the Tree Store.

Can I use you as a resource? Absolutely. Students, nonprofit organizations, and educational institutions use us as a resource for reports, newsletters, and other publications. Just remember to provide proper attribution.

What about special use considerations? Our conservation trees booklet provides information on many uses for trees. Click here for more.

How can I give input? We are always looking to improve our tree guide. Please fill out our user survey and help us make this site more user friendly.