<%@page import="java.util.*,org.fs.srs.query.*" session="true"%> <% if (request.getParameter("search") != null) { /* Need to show search results instead of editing search criteria - redirect to results.jsp */ request.getRequestDispatcher("results.jsp").forward(request, response); } else { /* Search results are stored in the HTTP session. When we hit this page, we're starting a new search, so clear out the old search results. */ /* session.invalidate(); */ } %> Treesearch - Forest Service Research & Development

USDA Forest Service

Research & Development Treesearch

<%@ include file="../local-resources/includes/nav1ssi-main.shtml" %>
<%@ include file="../local-resources/includes/local-links.shtml" %>
<%@ include file="../local-resources/includes/local-address.shtml" %>
<% /* Vector queries = QueryRenderer.getQueries(request); QueryRenderer.renderQueries(queries, out); out.println("Queries rendered."); */ %>

Advanced Search


<% String removeRequested = QueryRenderer.removeRequested(request); Query queries[] = QueryRenderer.getQueries(request); boolean defaults = false; if (request.getParameter("addfield") != null) { /* Add new query to list */ Query newQuery = new Query(); newQuery.setField("Title"); newQuery.setBooleanType(Query.AND_QUERY); newQuery.setComparator(Query.CONTAINS_COMPARATOR); newQuery.setIndex(queries.length); out.print(QueryRenderer.renderQueries(queries)); out.print(QueryRenderer.renderQueryHtml(newQuery)); } else if (removeRequested != null) { queries = QueryRenderer.removeQuery(queries, Integer.parseInt(removeRequested)); out.print(QueryRenderer.renderQueries(queries)); } else if (request.getParameter("refineSearch") != null) { out.print(QueryRenderer.renderQueries(queries)); } else { queries = new Query[1]; %> <%= QueryRenderer.renderDefaultSearchRow("Title", 0) %> <%= QueryRenderer.renderDefaultSearchRow("Author", 1) %> <%= QueryRenderer.renderDefaultSearchRow("Description", 2) %> <% } %>
Search field Comparison Value
    Search tips:
  • When searching for author, all possible permutations on the author name will be generated in simple search mode. For example, the search string John Quincy Doe will search for John Quincy Doe, Doe Quincy John, John Doe Quincy, etc. Regular expression mode will use the exact regular expression specified.
  • Only specify one author at a time per search field. If you would like to add more authors to your search criteria, use the "Add new search field" function and input the other author name you wish to search for.
  • All searches are case insensitive. Capitalization does not matter.
  • To search for a specific phrase, enclose the phrase in quotes (e.g. "dogwood tree"). IMPORTANT: if you want to search for a publication by a specific title, author, etc (using the equals comparison function), you must enclose the entire string in quotes.
  • Example of using Regular Expression Searching
Search mode: >Simple/substring  >Regular expressions
Results to show per page:

Filter publications
Make sure to select the check box for each field you would like to include in the filter.

Date Range
name="filterByDate"> Filter by date
Starting: <% GregorianCalendar now = new GregorianCalendar(); int end = now.get(Calendar.YEAR); int start = 1900; %> Through:

Note: the date search is inclusive. When searching from 1997 to 2002, the search result will include 1997 and 2002.

Publication type *
name="filterByType"> Filter by publication type
Publication type<%= QueryRenderer.renderPubTypes((request.getParameter("reset") == null ? request.getParameter("pubType") : "Any")) %>
Publication station<%= QueryRenderer.renderPubStations((request.getParameter("reset") == null ? request.getParameter("pubStation") : "Any")) %>
Publication number>
Select the Any field for publication type or publication station, or leave the publication number field blank to match any value for that field. You must fill in at least one element for this filter to be included in the search.
Publication origin *
name="filterByOrigin"> Filter by publication origin
<%= QueryRenderer.renderPubOrigins((request.getParameter("reset") == null ? request.getParameterValues("pubOrigins") : null)) %>

* Guide to Abbreviations in USDA/FS Publications

USDA Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.