About NWF Native Coneflowers
Make the National Wildlife Federation website your homepage

Internet Explorer (PC)

  1. Open Internet Explorer, click on the browser Tools menu, and select Internet Options.
  2. Select the General tab sheet.
  3. Type www.nwf.org in the Address box.
  4. Click on the OK button.

Internet Explorer (MAC)

  1. Open Internet Explorer, click on the browser Edit menu, and select Preferences.
  2. Select the Browser Display button under Web Browser.
  3. Type www.nwf.org in the Address box.
  4. Click on the OK button.

Netscape Navigator

  1. Open Netscape Navigator, click on the browser Edit menu, and select Preferences.
  2. Select the Navigator category.
  3. Under "Navigator starts with", select Home Page.
  4. Under "Home page", type www.nwf.org in the Location box.
  5. click the OK button.

Congratulations! nwf.org is your new homepage.

AOL Users

  1. After you login to your AOL account, type the word Preferences into any of the search boxes.
  2. A box will popup. In the right hand column, there is a choice called Internet Properties. Click on that.
  3. A box will come up. The first field in the box will show your current homepage listing. Change that to www.nwf.org.

Now you have set www.nwf.org as your homepage. The only issue is that AOL is set up so that you will not see that homepage when you login to your AOL account because they provide their own content which you cannot make disappear. The only way you'll see www.nwf.org is when you open an internet browser (such as Internet Explorer or Netscape) separately.

Another way to set your homepage as an AOL user is to open Internet Explorer or Netscape and follow the instructions above.

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