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Sesamum indicum L.



Other common names are: benne seed, benniseed, gingelly, sim sim, and til.

NewCROP has Sesame information at:

Phenology of Sesame—D. Ray Langham

Food, Industrial, Nutraceutical, and Pharmaceutical Uses of Sesame Genetic Resources—J. Bradley Morris

Progress in Mechanizing Sesame in the US Through Breeding—D. Ray Langham and Terry Wiemers

Simon, J.E., A.F. Chadwick and L.E. Craker. 1984. Herbs: An Indexed Bibliography. 1971–1980.

Sesame: New Approaches for Crop Improvement—Raghav Ram, David Cathn, Juan Romero, and Craig Cowley

Preliminary Agronomic Evaluation of New Crops for North Dakota—Marisol T. Berti and A.A. Schneiter

Magness J.R. et al. 1971. Food and Feed Crops of the United States.
Sesame Oil

Sesame: Alternative Field Crops Manual, University of Wisconson Cooperative Extension Service, University of Minnesota Extension Service, Center for Alternative Plant & Animal Products

And outside links to more Sesame info:

Sesame Seeds Consumer Information from McCormick, Inc.