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Persea americana Mill., P. schiedeana, P. nubigena and hybrids


Avocado, aguacate, abuacatl, alligator pear, avocado pear, avocat, Bacon, Booth, butter pear, Fuerte, Guatemalan avocado, Hass, Lulu, Mexican avocado, palta, Waldin, West Indian avocado, Zuttano

NewCROP has avocado information at:

Avocado—Julia Morton, Fruits of warm climates

Tropical Fruits—Mary Lamberts and Jonathan H. Crane

Magness J.R. et al. 1971. Food and feed crops of the United States.

and information about Avocado Oil

Outside links:

Avocado Crop Information from University of California Davis

AVOCADO "FRUIT FACTS" (Fruit Facts are a series of publications of the the California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. that contain information on individual fruits, including botanical identification, description and culture notes based on California research, and characteristics of cultivars).