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Brassica rapa L.

Syn.: Brassica campestris L.

Brassicaceae or Cruciferae

Turnip, chinese cabbage, field mustard, seven top, shogun, turnip greens, turnip rape

We have information from several sources:

Asian Vegetables: Selected Fruit and Leafy Types—Marita Cantwell, Xunli Nie, Ru Jing Zong, and Mas Yamaguchi

Comparison of Somatic and Sexual Interspecific Hybridization for the Development of New Brassica Vegetable Crops.—R.H. Ozminkowski Jr. and P.S. Jourdan

Growing and Marketing Chinese Vegetables in Central Kentucky— Wenwei Jia, Mary Witt, and John Strang

Evaluating Chinese Cabbage Cultivars for High Temperature Tolerance—I-Mo Fu, Carol Shennan, and Gregory E. Welbaum

Evaluation of Tropical Leaf Vegetables in the Virgin Islands—Manuel C. Palada and Stafford M.A. Crossman

Turnip: Alternative Field Crops Manual, University of Wisconson Cooperative Extension Service, University of Minnesota Extension Service, Center for Alternative Plant & Animal Products

Handbook of Energy Crops—James A. Duke. 1983. unpublished.

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers 2000

Cole Crops production links

Brassica food crops. In: Magness, J.R., G.M. Markle, C.C. Compton. 1971. Food and feed crops of the United States.

Rapeseed and Canola