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Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal



Indiana Banana
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Pawpaw FactSHEET contributed by Desmond R. Layne

Pawpaw (Asimina triloba): a "Tropical Fruit for Temperate Climates" by M. Brett Calloway. From: New Crops (Janick and Simon eds.) Wiley, New York, 1993.

Uncommon Fruits with Market Potential—Lee Reich

Pawpaw from: Magness, J.R., G.M. Markle, C.C. Compton. 1971. Food and feed crops of the United States.

Nuts with Commercial Potential for America's Heartland

Pawpaws Provide Potential

Growing Pawpaws—Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. PDF version

The Pawpaw Regional Variety Trial—Kirk W. Pomper, Desmond R. Layne, and R. Neal Peterson

Articles on Insecticidal Acetogenins contained in Pawpaw Bark:

Evaluation of Various Parts of the Paw Paw Tree, Asimina triloba (Annonaceae), as a Commercial Source of the Pesticidal Annonaceous Acetogenins—Sunil Ratnayake, J. Kent Rupprecht, William M. Potter, and Jerry L. McLaughlin

Monthly Variations in Biological Activity of Asimina triloba—Holly. A. Johnson, J. Gordon, and Jerry .L. McLaughlin

Outside links

The PawPaw Foundation Devoted to the Advancement of Asimina triloba, North America's Largest Native Edible Fruit

Kentucky State University Pawpaw Research Project

PAWPAW "FRUIT FACTS" (Fruit Facts are a series of publications of the the California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. that contain information on individual fruits, including botanical identification, description and culture notes based on California research, and characteristics of cultivars).

About Pawpaws in Oregon

From the Northern Nut Growers Association, Articles about Pawpaw

Fruit Explorer's MidFEx Pawpaw page

The GardenWeb's page on Pawpaw

Peterson Pawpaws

Canada Gardens! Pawpaw page

Link to information and image of Asimina tetramera (Opossum Pawpaw), a rare and endangered species from southern Florida.

Articles in other publications

Jones, S.C., R.N. Peterson, T.-A. Turner, K.W. Pomper, and D.R. Layne. 1998. Pawpaw Planting Guide Cultivars and Nursery Sources. KSU PIB 002.

Layne, D.R. and L.N. Peters. 1997. Early growth and development of pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] seedlings in the greenhouse as influenced by shade and root-zone modification. HortScience 32:532 (PA).

Huang, H., D.R. Layne, and T.L. Kubisiak. 1997. Pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] germplasm evaluation using RAPD markers. HortScience 32:513 (PA).

Finneseth, C.L.H., D.R. Layne and R.L. Geneve. 1997. Influence of ontological age on adventitious bud and shoot formation of pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] nodal explants. HortScience 32:441 (PA).

Huang, H., D.R. Layne, and R.N. Peterson. 1997. Isozyme polymorphisms for identification and assessment of genetic variation in cultivated pawpaws [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal]. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 122(4):504-511. (RJA).

Layne, D.R. 1997. The influence of shade and root-zone modification on early growth and development of pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] seedlings grown in the greenhouse. Trans. KY. Acad. Sci. 58(1):37. (PA).

Huang, H. and D.R. Layne. 1997. Geographic differentiation and allozyme variation in pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal]. Trans. KY. Acad. Sci. 58(1):37. (PA).

Finneseth, C.L.H., D.R. Layne and R.L. Geneve. 1997. Pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] morphological development during seed germination and seedling emergence. Trans. KY. Acad. Sci. 58(1):37-38. (PA).

Layne, D.R. 1997. Pawpaws, p. 403-404. In: The Brooks and Olmo Register of Fruit and Nut Varieties, Third Edition, A.S.H.S. Press, Alexandria, VA (BC).

S.C. Jones and D.R. Layne. 1997. Cooking with pawpaws. KSU Pawpaw Ext. Bull.-001. 12 p. (EA).

Finneseth, C.L.H., D.R. Layne, and R.L. Geneve. 1996. Germination and seedling emergence in pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal]. Proc. So. Nurs. Assoc. Conf. 41:61-64. (NCP).

Layne, D.R. 1996. Development of pawpaw as a new fruit crop: research update from KSU. Pomona: 29(4):37-47. (NPA).

Layne, D.R. and R.N. Peterson. 1996. The pawpaw regional variety trial (RVT): Background, rationale and early data. HortScience 31:667 (PA).

Finneseth, C.L.H., D.R. Layne, and R.L. Geneve. 1996. Morphological development of pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] during seed germination and seedling emergence. HortScience 31:633 (PA).

Huang, H. and D.R. Layne. 1996. Allozyme variation and geographic differentiation in pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal]. HortScience 31:592 (PA).

Layne, D.R. 1996. The Pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal]: A new fruit crop for Kentucky and the United States. HortScience 31:777-784 (RCP).

Polomski, R. and D.R. Layne. 1996. Pawpaws: A potential new fruit crop. American Small Farm Magazine: 5(7):27-28. (NPA).

Layne, D.R. 1996. The pawpaw: promising future for an American tree crop. The Temperate Agroforester 4(3):4-6. (NPA).

Layne, D.R. 1996. The all-American pawpaw. Part 2: Research, cultivation, and the future. The Fruit Gardener magazine, July/August Issue p. 6-9, 26. (NPA).

Layne, D.R. 1996. The all-American pawpaw. Part 1: Revival efforts may bear much 'fruit'. The Fruit Gardener magazine, May/June Issue Cover photo and article on p.12-14. (NPA).

Layne, D.R. 1996. Domestication of the pawpaw or 'Kentucky Banana'. The Green Thumb, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Publication, March-April Issue, p.12-17 (EA).

Layne, D.R. 1996. Pawpaw research at Kentucky State University: An update. Trans. KY. Acad. Sci. 57:49-50 (PA).

Layne, D.R. 1995. NewCrops FactSheet: Pawpaw, 6p. NewCROP New Crop Resource Online Program, Indiana Center for New Crops and Plant Products, Purdue University. WWW url address:

Layne, D.R. and M.G. Kwantes. 1995. Growth enhancement of pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] seedlings as influenced by root-zone temperature and fertilization regime. Proc. 3rd Nat. Symp. New Crops: New Opportunities, New Technologies. Oct. 22-25, 1995, Indianapolis, IN, p.93 (PA).

Layne, D.R. and M.G. Kwantes. 1995. The influence of root-zone temperature and fertilization regime on early growth and development of pawpaw (Asimina triloba Dunal) seedlings. HortScience 30(4):870 (PA).

Jones, L., D.R. Layne, and M.G. Kwantes. 1995. Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) seedling growth and development: Influence of incident light intensity and fertilization regime. HortScience 30:437 (PA).

Jones, L., D.R. Layne, and M.G. Kwantes. 1995. Influence of incident light intensity and fertilization on growth and development of pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] seedlings. Trans. KY. Acad. Sci. 56:81-82 (PA).

Layne, D.R. 1994. The horticulture research program at Kentucky State University: An introduction. Trans. KY. Acad. Sci. 55:78-79 (PA).

Publication Classification Code:
BC=Book Chapter; RJA=Referreed Journal Article; RCP=Refereed Conference Proceedings; NCP=Nonrefereed Conference Proceedings; NPA=Nonrefereed Popular Article; EA=Extension Article; OLP=On-line Publication; PA=Published Abstract.

Popular Press

I. International

"Pawpaw Article". Popular Science Magazine, August 1997 Issue, in press.

"Grow grow pawpaw!". Organic Gardening Magazine, "New Ground" Section, February 1997 Issue, pgs. 19-20.

Pawpaw interview with Charlie Murphy, ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, Program aired Oct. 3, 1996.

"Tropical try-out: The pawpaw adventure starts here - a 'hardy' tropical tree for the temperate zone." New, Rare and Unusual Plants, October 1996 Issue, Vol. 2(3):97,106.

Radio interview about pawpaws with Noah Adams for "All Things Considered" daily evening news program on National Public Radio, program aired 5:50 pm Dec. 5, 1995.

"Neal Peterson's goal is to domesticate the wild pawpaw", The Wall Street Journal, Cover story, Nov. 18, 1993.

II. National

"Pawpaw article". Garden Design magazine, "Growing" section, August/September 1997 issue (in preparation).

"The Return of the Pawpaw", Better Homes and Gardens On-Line, Gardening Section. Located at WWW url address:

"Book Reviews: Cooking with Pawpaws". Fruit Gardener magazine, May/June 1997 Vol. 29, No. 3 Issue, p.26.

"Pawpaws making a comeback". Agricultural Research magazine, USDA-ARS, March 1997 issue, p.16.

"Spotlight on pawpaw". National Gardening Magazine, "What's News" Column, p. 19, Oct. 1996 Issue.

"Pawpaw: A tropical tree for the temperate zone", The Cyber-Plantsman (an on-line magazine 'for the serious gardener'). WWW url address: April 26, 1996.

"Way down yonder in the pawpaw patch", Country America magazine - September 1995 Issue, p.78.

"The pawpaw paradox", American Horticulturist, February 1995 Issue, pgs. 28-33.

III. Regional

"Exotic fruit: Pawpaw is part of America's past, and perhaps, future", Chicago Tribune, Chicago, IL, Good Eating Section 7:8; October 9, 1996.

Pawpaw TV interview with Vince Vermeulen, WDRB Channel 41 (FOX), Louisville, KY, 10:00 pm evening news broadcast, Program aired Oct. 6, 1996.

Pawpaw TV interview with Greg Stotelmyer, Part II. WTVQ Channel 36 (ABC), Lexington, KY, 6:00 pm evening news broadcast, Program aired Sept. 16, 1996.

Pawpaw TV interview with Greg Stotelmyer, Part I. WTVQ Channel 36 (ABC), Lexington, KY, 6:00 pm evening news broadcast, Program aired August 5, 1996.

"The Pawpaw Project", Lexington Herald-Leader, Lexington, KY, Front Page story, Section A:1, October 24, 1995.

"The prince of the pawpaw", Detroit Free Press, Detroit, MI, Section C:1, Oct. 5, 1993.

"Pawpaws are ripe for return to glory", Baltimore Sun, Baltimore, MD, Section B:1, Sept. 21, 1993.

IV. Local

"Pawpaw custard is best in the fall of the year", Appalachian News-Express, Pikeville, KY, Images Section C:1-2; October 16, 1996.

"Way down yonder in the pawpaw patch", Intelligencer Journal, Lancaster, PA, Food Section C1&3, October 2, 1996.

"Fruit may have potential as crop, cancer fighter". Times-Mail, Bedford, IN, Section A1 & A8, August 26, 1996.

"Give pawpaws a chance: A handy guide". The Charleston Gazette, Section 1E & 2E, Charleston, WV, July 21, 1996. Also appearing at WWW url address at

"Pawpaw: The fruit tree of the future". The Floyd County Times, Prestonsburg, KY, Up a Tree Section, June 5, 1996.

"Pawpaw tree discussed at PCC", The Weekly Progress, Prestonsburg, KY, Section B:7; May 29, 1996.

"Pawpaw tree expert to speak at PCC", The Weekly Progress, Prestonsburg, KY, Section B:6; April 24, 1996.

"Interest sparks for pawpaws as 'top banana' in landscaping, research", The Sentinel News, Shelbyville, KY, Section B:3, Apr. 19, 1996.

Feature Scope: Q & A with Dr. Desmond R. Layne, Pawpaw Researcher, The State Journal, Frankfort, KY, Section E:1,4, Feb. 25, 1996.

"Native fruit brings national attention to KSU researchers", News From KSU (Supplement to The State Journal, Frankfort, KY), February 20, 1996, p.3.

"KSU's work with paw paws topic of Audubon program", The State Journal, Frankfort, KY, Section C:3, Nov. 26, 1995.

"KSU receives 16 grants", News From KSU (Supplement to The State Journal, Frankfort, KY), November 1995, p.2.

"The finer points of pawpaws", The Thorobred News (Kentucky State University newspaper, November 1, 1995, p.1, 11.

"College to grow, study unusual fruit", Kentucky New Era, Section C:6, October 26, 1995.

"University to grow and study pawpaw plants", Corbin Times Tribune, Corbin, KY, Oct. 25, 1995, p.3.

"Pickin' Up Pawpaw's", Journal and Courier, Lafayette-West Lafayette, IN. Section B1: March 13, 1995.

"Going bananas: Love it or hate it, pawpaw's one 'sexy species'", The Windsor Star, Windsor, Ont., Canada, Section A:3, Oct. 20, 1994.

"Pawpaw breeders hope native fruit can be improved", The State Journal, Frankfort, KY, Section A:10, Oct. 8, 1993.