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Artemisia annua L.

Asteraceae, or Compositae

annual wormwood, sweet annie, sweet wormwood, qinghao (Chinese)

NewCROP information sources forArtemisia annua L. :

FactSHEET contributed by: Jules Janick

Artemisia annua L.: A Promising Aromatic and Medicinal—James E. Simon, Denys Charles, Ernst Cebert, Lois Grant, Jules Janick, and Anna Whipkey

Distribution of Artemisinin in Artemisia annua—Jorge F.S. Ferreira and Jules Janick

Effect of Water Stress and Post-harvest Handling on Artemisinin Content in the Leaves of Artemisia annua L.—Denys J. Charles, James E. Simon, Clinton C. Shock, Erik B.G. Feibert, and Robin M. Smith

Links to related species:
Artemisia abrotanum
Artemisia absinthium
Artemisia dracunculus