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Aesculus hippocastanum L.

Figure 66.—Horsechestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
Other common names.—Hippocastanum, bongay, konker-tree

Habitat and range.—This tree is largely cultivated in this country as an ornamental shade tree and occasionally escapes from cultivation.

Description.—The horsechestnut is a rather large tree, usually reaching 40 feet or more in height. The large leaves are composed of five to seven leaflets from 4 to 8 inches long, pointed, and broader at the top than at the base. In June it produces handsome flower clusters sometimes a foot in length, consisting of large white flowers spotted with yellow and red. The fruit is round and prickly and contains a large shining brown nut.

Part used.—Horsechestnut bark is collected in autumn, and preference is given to the bark from the younger branches.

Sievers, A.F. 1930. The Herb Hunters Guide. Misc. Publ. No. 77. USDA, Washington DC.
Last update March 19, 1998 by aw