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Onion, Welsh

Japanese bunching, Negi, Cibal, Spring onion, Nebuka, Cebollin

Amaryllidaceae Allium fistulosum L.

Source: Magness et al. 1971
This is the principal onion of Japan and China, but of limited importance in the U.S. Leaves are rigid and tubular and inflated or swollen in appearance. The bulbs become only slightly enlarged. Plants multiply by tillers from a mother plant, so clusters of plants result from planting a single one. They may also be grown from seed. In the Orient the leaves and leaf bases are often blanched by covering with soil. There, and in the U.S., they are also marketed as green onions. The thick, swollen leaves and leaf bases are harvested.
Season, seed to first harvest: 4 to 5 months for green onions, a year or more for blanched.

Production in U.S.: No separate data. Total green onions 12,071 acres, 1959 census.

Use: As pot herbs, flavoring in culinary cookery, salads.

Part of plant consumed: Thick leaves and leaf bases.

Last update June 27, 1996 bha