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Gramineae Agrostis sp.

Colonial bent. A. tenuis Sibth.
Creeping bent. A. palustris Huds.
Velvet bent. A. canina L.

Source: Magness et al. 1971

The bentgrasses are rather fine-leaved, creeping grasses, used mainly in lawns and golf putting greens over the northern half of the United States. These species were all introduced into this country from Europe. Colonial bent is most comonly used in lawns. Included here are the varieties Astoria bent and Highland bent. The creeping bents generally do not produce seed and are propagated by stolons. Seaside bent and Penncross varieties do produce seed and are propagated in that way. None of these bentgrasses is used for pasture or hay.

Last update February 18, 1999 by ch