Forest Service ShieldUnited States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service

Southern Research StationSouthern Research Station
200 W.T. Weaver Boulevard
Asheville, NC 28804
Date:   January 11, 2001
Science Contact: John A. Stanturf 

News Release Contact: Melissa Carlson

New Project Leader Named For Research On Disturbance And Management Of Southern Pine Ecosystems

Asheville,NC -- Southern Research Station Director Pete Roussopoulos has named Dr. John A. Stanturf as the Project Leader for the Research Work Unit on Disturbance and Management of Southern Pine Ecosystems in Athens, GA. Stanturf, a Research Ecologist, comes to Athens from his previous position as the Project Leader for the Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research in Stoneville, MS. Roussopoulos said, "we are pleased to have a scientist of the caliber of John Stanturf heading up the research on the ecological effects of fire and other disturbances on the southern pine ecosystem."

Stanturf said, "I look forward to the challenge of developing a new research program on the effects of fire on soil resources and continuing to expand knowledge of restoration ecology. The increased attention of the public on wildfires and managed fires as a result of this past year's fire season in the West provides new opportunities to demonstrate the need to manage fuel loading and re-establish natural disturbance regimes in fire-adapted forest communities in the South. It is an honor to be chosen to lead the organization charged with this important research program."

Stanturf, a native of Monterey, California, holds a B.S. in Plant and Soil Science from Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, an M.S. in Soil Science from Cornell University, and a Ph.D. from Cornell University in Forest Soil Science. His research focuses on restoration of forested ecosystems and the effects of restoration and rehabilitation practices on soil quality. He serves as Working Party leader for Restoration of Temperate and Boreal Forests for the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations and devoted much of his eight years in Stoneville to meeting the challenges of restoring bottomland hardwood ecosystems. He is developing new ways to integrate silviculture, harvesting, utilization, and economic evaluation of mechanical fuel reduction at the wildland/urban interface./p>

The Disturbance and Management of Southern Pine Ecosystems unit is one of 25 Research Work Units of the USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station. It is located at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory, on the UGA campus. The Southern Research Station is responsible for research and development related to forested ecosystems throughout the 13 Southern States./p>

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