Regional Themes

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Animal Manure & Waste Management
Concerns exist about the leaching, runoff, and discharge of nutrients and pathogens from livestock effluent into groundwater and surface waters. This problem is created by the expansion of many livestock and dairy production operations that increase the number of animals while utilizing the same land base, in order to stay economically competitive.
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Drinking Water & Human Health
Households that maintain their own water supply system, such as a well or a rainwater collection system, do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Safe Drinking Water Act. These predominantly rural households are responsible for the safety of their own drinking water supply. Accordingly, their informational need is significantly greater than their counterparts served by public water systems. Cooperators from the Land Grant universities and colleges that make up the Region 9 Water Program address informational needs at the consumer level by providing unbiased research-based information to the consumer through publication and outreach education.
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Water Conservation & Agricultural Water Management
Agricultural water management entails making decisions on irrigation and, if necessary, drainage practices on farms. In this context, water conservation means irrigating in a manner that results in low surface runoff from the field, and only the amount of water necessary to leach excessive salts moving below the crop root zone. Water management decisions include choices of irrigation systems (i.e. furrow, sprinkler, drip, etc.) and programming the time and amount of irrigation. Region 9 is engaged in research and provides science-based educational materials directed toward achieving optimal agricultural water management. The information is also useful for irrigation management in urban settings.
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Watershed Management
Watershed management recognizes that the water quality of our streams, lakes, and estuaries results from the interaction of upstream features. Activities of all land uses within watersheds impact the water quality of down gradient water bodies. Point and nonpoint sources of pollution in a watershed contribute nutrients, bacteria, and chemical contaminants to U.S. waterways. Watershed management encompasses all the activities aimed at identifying sources and minimizing contaminants to a water body from its watershed.
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