Funding News - Applications for Basic and Translational Research on Emotion Sought

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The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites grant applications for basic and translational research on emotion. This announcement is made together with 6 other components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).*

The study of emotion includes investigations of overt behaviors (such as aggression or withdrawal), interpersonal relationships, communication and decision making, and environmental circumstances and experiences that shape and elicit emotions. Research on emotion can also include the study of licit and illicit psychoactive substances that alter moods, and conversely, the study of how emotional and mood states can predispose to, or modulate the effects of, pain or alcohol and psychoactive substances.

Potential areas of research interest include: the relationships among behavioral, physiological, and neural aspects of emotion; the basic mechanisms by which emotions are acquired or otherwise shaped by the physiological and social contexts in which they occur; the continuities across, and distinctions among, the phenomena of emotion, mood, temperament, and emotional trait and disorder; how attention, memory, and perceived threat act to sustain or interrupt emotional states; the continuities and discontinuities between normal emotional processes and those seen in psychopathology, developmental disorders, risky behaviors including alcohol or drug abuse, or other developmental problems; the extent to which behavioral, physiological, and neural measures of emotion identify individuals at risk for suicidal, violent, or self-injurious behavior, or alcohol/drug abuse, within the context of preventive interventions; how individuals can be trained to best identify and regulate emotions and moods that may represent a possible risk for relapse of physical or mental illness; the biological and experiential sources of individual differences in emotional reactivity and regulation throughout development; how emotions get attached to attitudes, stereotypes, and identity; the determinants, age-specific characteristics, and consequences of emotional attachments across the lifespan; and how cultural and socialization processes influence the experience and expression of emotion.

For more information, potential applicants should contact Dr. Emmeline Edwards, Program Director, Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience Cluster, NINDS, Neuroscience Center, 6001 Executive Boulevard, Room 2109, Bethesda, MD 20892; telephone: 301-496-9964; fax: 301-402-2060; e-mail:

*For a full list of supporting NIH components and a more detailed description of this program announcement, please visit the NIH web site at: