USDA Forest Service  
 Northeastern Forest Inventory & Analysis
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Forest Inventory & Analysis Program
11 Campus Boulevard
Suite 200
Newtown Square, PA

(610) 557-4075 VOICE
(610) 557-4250 FAX
(610) 557-4132 TTY/TDD

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Welcome ...

The Northeastern Forest Inventory and Analysis Program (NE-FIA) is located in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. It is one of 24 US Forest Service research units in the Northeastern Research Station, and one of 5 national research units that has responsibility for collecting and analyzing forest resource information for the United States. Our unit is responsible for conducting this research in 13 Northeastern states, from Maine to West Virginia.


To improve the understanding and stewardship of Northeastern forests through scientifically credible inventories; analyses of the status and trends in forest condition, use, and productivity; and by transferring timely resource information and new technology to the public.


The first forest survey of the Northeast was made in 1946. In addition to the survey work itself, the unit conducted research in forest survey methods. These forest surveys have expanded greatly to include measurement of other renewable resources as well as forest distribution, condition, health, biomass, ownership patterns, and timber use. We are the only organization to conduct extensive forest resource inventories and some of our data bases now span more than 30 years. Inventory frequencies have recently been changed so that 10 to 20 percent of all plots are measured annually and reports prepared every 5 years for each state.

Items of Continuing Interest

Hot Topics

Go to: Landscape Dynamics

(click image)

Forest Fragmentation
Assessments and
Urbanization Maps

Go to: Maine 2003
(click image)

NE-FIA's First Five-Year
Comprehensive Report
Under the New Annual
Inventory System

Maine, 2003

Go to: QA results
(click image)

Quality Assurance


Recent Presentations and Publications
graph icon new icon Forests of the Garden State
Resource Bulletin NE-163
Richard H. Widmann
  2005 Pennsylvania Users' Group Meeting
Pittsburgh, PA [3 May 2005]
NE-FIA Staff
  2005 New York Users' Group Meeting
Syracuse, NY [5 May 2005]
NE-FIA Staff
  2005 Penn State Forest Issues Conference
State College, PA [26-27 April 2005]
NE-FIA Staff
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