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National Agricultural Library Digital Repository
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The Help page provides detailed information on all the features of the NALDR, including searching, displaying and printing/saving documents. See the drop-down list, below right, for a complete list of topics.

About National Agricultural Library Digital Repository

The About NALDR page provides background information on the repository, including an overview of the scope, the system software, and searching options. The page also describes digitizing projects in progress or completed.

To begin a search, select the Search button from the top navigation bar on any page.

What is searched?

The word(s) you enter in the search box will be searched in the full text of all the publications in the repository. The search treats multiple keywords as a phrase unless Boolean operators (and, or, not) are used. See Search Examples below for ways to construct a search.

What is not searched?

Certain words that occur frequently in English, but do not add value to the search, are ignored. These are:

"a", "and" , "are" , "as" , "at" , "be" , "but" , "by" , "for" , "if" , "in" , "into",

"is" ,"it" ,"no" , "not" , "of" , "on" , "or" , "such", "the" , "to" , "was"

How to browse publications

See the Tables of Contents section for information on browsing issues and parts of publications.

Limit your search to a particular publication
  1. Go to the Search page and enter your keywords. Then, click "Choose publications from this list." The publication title list will display.

  2. select publications

  3. Check off the publication titles you want to search in. Click Go.
  4. The publication titles will be inserted on the Search page, separated by "or."Click the Go button to process the search.
Limit your search to a specific year or range of years
  1. Go to the Search page and enter your keywords. Then enter the start year in the first box and the end year in the second box as shown below. You can also enter just one year. Do not enter months or days.

    enter start and end dates in these boxes

  2. Click the Go button to process the search.
Use truncation/wild card

Asterisk (*) - replaces 0 to n characters, for example: analy* retrieves analyze, analysis, analytical
Question mark (?) - replaces 1 character, for example: sha?e retrieves share, shade, shale

Use boolean and other logical operators

Operator Purpose Example
and Requires that all of the keywords be present in the publication mosaic disease and corn
or Allows any of the keywords to be present in the publication lettuce or corn or turnip
not Indicates a keyword should not appear in the publication mosaic disease not potatoes
parentheses Forces the order of processing mosaic disease and (corn or turnips)
within Requires that keywords be located near each other in any order corn w/3 mosaic
precedes Requires that a keyword precedes another turnip p/2 mosaic

Search Examples

Enter these keywords What will be searched? The number of hits
forage crops "forage crops" appearing together in this order
forage crop? "forage crop" or "forage crops" (? = 1 character variation)
forage w/5 crops "forage" appearing within 5 words of "crops"
forage p/2 crops "forage" appearing before and within 2 words of "crops"
forage crop* "forage crop" or "forage crops" or "forage cropshares" and so on (* = any number of characters)
forage not crops "forage" but not "crops"
forage and crops "forage" and "crops" appearing anywhere in the document in any order
forage or crops "forage" and "crops" appearing anywhere in any order or "forage" only or "crops" only
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Search Results

The Search Results page lists the documents that contain your search terms. Below is an example of search results with an explanation of the parts of the page, labeled A, B, and C in the image.

Example of Search Results display
  1. The total number of times a match was found to your search keyword(s), and the total number of documents that contain the keyword(s) are provided at the top of the Search Results page.

  2. The Search Results table lists the documents in order by hit density (how many times your keyword(s) appear in the publication. Sort the results by clicking any of the column headings--Author, Title, Source, Year, Volume, and Pages. Note that File Size is the size of the text file produced through optical character recognition. Optical character recognition is a process that converts scanned text into recognizable characters.

  3. Click on any cell in the table to view the first page of the publication.

Select any title in the search results table to view the first page of the document (or the first page with a match). See Document Display for more information.

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Tables of Contents
The Tables of Contents page lists all the publications available in the repository and enables you to browse through the publications.
  1. Select the Tables of Contents option from the top navigation menu on any page. Publications are listed in alphabetical order by title. All books and odd reports and articles are grouped together under the title "Books, Manuscripts, Miscellaneous Articles, Reports and Images." Below is an example of a portion of the Tables of Contents page:

  2. tables of contents

  3. Click on the publication title you wish to view, in this example, Journal of Agricultural Research. The various issues or volumes for the publication will display as shown below.

  4. Example of issue list on Table of Contents page

  5. Click on the issue or volume you wish to browse. The table of contents for the issue/volume will display as show below.

  6. Example of contents display in Table of Contents window

  7. Browse the table of contents and click on the article or part that you wish to view.

  8. Example of full text display

  9. The first page of the document displays in the Document Display page. See Document Display for information on navigation options. Click your browser's back arrow to return to the table of contents list.
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Document Display

Once you select a document from the Search Results list, the Document Display page opens. Only the first page of the document (or the first page with a match if you selected that option back on the search page) displays. The example below shows the first part of the Document Display page.

Example of Document Display page showing the page count and document details
  1. Document/Publication Details

    It is particularly important to note the Document/Publication Details when you are viewing an article within a publication because the article itself may not indicate the publication name or volume number on its pages. The Document/Publication Details provide the following fields:
    • Author(s)
    • Title = Title of publication or article
    • Source = Title of publication series
    • Year = Year of publication
    • Volume = Volume or issue number
    • Pages = Total pages or page range
    • DocID = Unique identification for the publication; you can enter the DocID in the keyword search field if you want to find a specific publication
    • Publisher = Publisher of the document.
    • Subject = Keywords assigned to describe the subject or focus of the document.
    • Notes = Additional information about the document. For example, there will be a note if the document is very long and has been divided into sections.
    • Link = URL to use if you want to quickly find this document in a future search--just enter the URL in the address window of your browser.

  2. Displaying below:___- indicates which page is being displayed out of the total number of pages in the document. Take note of the total page count before you select "View all Pages." Some documents are very long and can take time to load.

The navigation options and the full text image display follow the Document/Publication Details. Continuing with the same example:

Example of Document Display page showing navigation options and full text display
  1. Navigation Options are provided at the top and bottom of each document page. They include:

    • Previous Page - Moves back one page in the document currently being displayed.
    • Next Page - Moves to the next page in the document currently being displayed.
    • Zoom In - Enlarges the view of the document page(s) currently being displayed. There are seven sizes (65, 75, 85, 105, 150, 210, 300). Continue to select the Zoom In option until you reach the desired display.
    • Zoom Out - Reduces the view of the document page(s) currently being displayed. There are seven sizes (65, 75, 85, 105, 150, 210, 300). Continue to select the Zoom In option until you reach the desired display.
    • View All Pages in Browser - Displays the entire document within the browser window. Note the page count before you select this option.
    • View as PDF - Converts all the pages to Portable Document Format (PDF) in order to print or save the document. To view PDF files you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. See the Print Help page for details.
    • Previous Page with Match - Moves back to the previous page in the document that contained a match for search terms.
    • Next Page with Match - Moves to the next page in the document that contains a match for search terms.
    • Previous Document - Moves back one document (as listed in the Search Results).
    • Next Document - Moves to the next document (as listed in the Search Results).

  2. Document Display

    • The first page of the document (or the first page that contains a match to the search terms) displays as a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format file. Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format compresses image files without degrading quality and results in faster loading and display of the image file.
    • Note that the search terms "urban encroachment" are highlighted in yellow. Whenever a match to your search terms is found within the document, the terms will be highlighted.
    • You can use your browser's bookmarking function to bookmark a particular publication so that you can return to it at another time. You might also want to note the DocID of the publication. You can enter the DocID as a keyword search to limit your search to one particular publication file.
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To print or save a document on the Document Display page.

  1. Make a note of the Document/Publication Details so that you have the basic citation information for the document (source, year, volume, issue). The Document/Publication Details will not be included in the file that you print or save.

  2. Select "View as PDF." The document is converted to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file and displayed in the Adobe Acrobat Reader window. To view PDF files you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.

  3. Once the document is converted to PDF, select the print or save option in the Adobe Reader window.
NOTE: If you select "View as PDF" and see any of these messages: "Image is corrupt" or "Could not find the XObject named I2 " or "File is damaged and could not be repaired," try the following:
  1. Note the DocID (located in the Document/Publication Details) for the publication.
  2. Open the NALDR Web site using another browser--for example, Internet Explorer (version 6 or higher) --and enter the DocID in the keyword search field.
  3. Select the publication from the Results List and click the View as PDF option from the menu that displays directly above or below the document.
If you still can't convert the document to PDF, click the "Contact Us" button located in the top menu bar. Include the DocID in the email message and ask us to send you the PDF.
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Last Modified: January 13, 2009     
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