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National Themes

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National Themes Water Policy and Economics

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Regional Initiatives

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Water Policy and Economics
Dam on river to provide water for irrigation and power.

The Nation's rivers, lakes, and groundwater sources provide water for industry, agriculture, residential uses, and recreation, as well as support a diversity of ecosystems. Increased demands from an expanding population, industrial growth, increases in agricultural production, and ecosystem management have resulted in localized, temporal shortages of available water. Agriculture is the single largest water user. Effective water management will work with agricultural interests to address the replacement of inefficient irrigation methods by modern science-based water saving techniques, efficient nutrient and pesticide application, and strategic implementation of run-off controls.

The PNW Regional Water Quality Program provides a broad range of research-based contacts devoted to water policy and economics. These have been compiled and published in an informational flyer. View an HTML version of the educational materials here, or download the informational PDF flyer here.

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University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service
University of Idaho Water Quality Program
Northwest Indian College

Oregon State University Water Resources
Washington State University Extension Water Quality

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A cooperative program consisting of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
the Land Grant Colleges and Universities.

- a Regionally-Based National Network -

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USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
CSREES PNW Regional Water Quality Program