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Military Commissions
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United States Court of Military Commission Review (USCMCR)

Actions by Case

Fawzi Khalid Abdullah Fahad al Odah

Fayiz Mohammed Ahmed al Kandari

Khalid Abdullah Mishal al Mutairi

Fouad Mahmoud al Rabiah

CMCR Case No. 08-001
03/21/2008 – USCMCR issues Order denying defense request for order prohibiting prosecution contact

03/20/2008 – Government reply urges denial of defense request for order

03/17/2008 – USCMCR issues Briefing Order to government to file brief

03/14/2008 – USCMCR issues Docketing Order

03/12/2008 – Defense requests order prohibiting Chief Prosecutor and prosecution staff from contacting petitioners about military commission allegations without consent of their attorneys

03/12/2008 – Defense exhibits supporting defense request of March 12, 2008





Updated: 3 June 2008


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