Conference - Approved 11 hours MCLE Credit

We are no longer accepting online registrations for this event.
If you have not registered and would like to attend, please show up early
and register at the door using the walk-in registration form linked below.

Associated Events:
An Introduction to Practical Statistics
September 24, 2008 – Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Short Course - Approved 8 hours MCLE Credit
Field Trip – Orange County Water District Facilities Tour
September 24, 2008 – Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa – 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Bus transportation provided to and from Hotel – Box lunches & beverages provided
Field Trip - Approved 4 hours MCLE Credit

Annual Conference Dinner Meeting – organized by GRA's Southern California Branch
A Framework for Groundwater Storage in the Central and West Coast Sub-Basins
of the Coastal Plain of Los Angeles

Presenters: Chris Frahm and William Kruse
September 24, 2008 – Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa – 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM


"The Nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which
it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value."
-- Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

The Groundwater Resources Association of California (GRA) invites you to join us for our 17th Annual Conference and Meeting "GROUNDWATER: Challenges to Meeting Our Future Needs."

GRA has partnered with stakeholders from all segments of the profession and industry to develop an annual conference that covers technical, regulatory, legal, and policy issues affecting groundwater and facilitates networking and the exchange of the latest research and information. Conference speakers will be featured in a plenary assembly and also in concurrent sessions that include the following issues and topics:

  • Groundwater Challenges: water quantity and quality issues, national groundwater availability, water issues in the west, sustainable groundwater management strategies, climate change and supply reliability
  • Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions: ecosystem considerations, research and studies on surface/groundwater interactions, new groundwater/watershed model
  • Groundwater Storage: challenges/benefits and reducing risks/uncertainties, enhancing water supply availability
  • Demonstrating Groundwater Supply Sufficiency and Reliability: groundwater assessments, decision support tools to determine groundwater availability
  • Watershed Water Quality Management: salinity management, groundwater and salinity management in the Santa Ana watershed and applications to other areas, delineation of seawater intrusion in coastal areas
  • Delta Issues: conjunctive water management projects; role of the Delta in the Central Valley groundwater system; Delta subsidence issues
  • Collegiate Groundwater Colloquium: GRA seeks to increase participation by university and college faculty and students in its programming. This new Colloquium provides an opportunity for students to showcase their research and its application to groundwater challenges in California or elsewhere in the world.
  • Recycled Water for Recharge: evolution of recycled water regulations, soil/aquifer treatment systems and monitoring wastewater constituents, groundwater storage in unusual places, the world’s largest groundwater replenishment system, risk assessments and research on the toxicological aspects of recycled water reuse
  • Groundwater Protection and Remediation: examples of groundwater cleanup success stories, wellhead treatment, legacy UST sites, Groundwater Protection Council “Call to Action”, contaminant containment and removal technologies
  • Emerging Groundwater Issues: climate change and groundwater management issues, carbon sequestration and groundwater implications, emerging contaminants and water reuse, nanomaterials and groundwater remediation

Luncheon Keynote:
On September 25, Robert Glennon, Morris K. Udall Professor of Law & Public Policy at the University of Arizona and author of the book “Water Follies: Groundwater Pumping and the Fate of America’s Fresh Waters” (Island Press, 2002), will provide a compelling talk titled “Tales of Bottled Water and French Fries: The Environmental Consequences of Groundwater Pumping.” You’ll hear a striking collection of stories that bring home the actual and potential consequences of our growing national thirst.

Registration for State Agency Employees:
During the time that the 2008-2009 State budget isn't passed, the Groundwater Resources Association of CA (GRA) is accepting GRA event registrations without payment from State agency employees that have received prior "official approval" from appropriate State agency representatives to attend the selected GRA event. Please fax or mail a completed event registration form. It will be appreciated if the attendee sends GRA payment within 10 days once the budget is passed. Payment by credit card or check is available for your convenience. Your prompt payment once the budget is passed will reduce GRA's cost for invoicing participants. For additional information, please contact Mary Megarry at 916-446-3626.

Hotel Information:
Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa Hotel
3050 Bristol Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel: (714) 540-7000
Hotel Info Sheet

Cooperating Organizations:
Association of California Water Agencies, Association of Ground Water Agencies, California Department of Water Resources, California Groundwater Association, International Association of Hydrogeologists, National Ground Water Association, Sustainability of semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas, Water Education Foundation, United States Geological Survey, United States Environmental Protection Agency

Accutest Laboratories | Boart Longyear E&I | Blaine Tech Services, Inc. | Calgon Carbon Corporation | Calscience Environmental Laboratories, Inc. | Carus Corporation
| EcoLayers, Inc. | Electronic Data Solutions | Enviro-Chem Labs, Inc. | Enviro-Tech Services Company | Gregg Drilling & Testing, Inc. | Hach Environmental | Instrumentation Northwest | INTERA Incorporated |
Kiff Analytical LLC | Regenesis | RSI Drilling | Solinst Canada Ltd
| Southern Petroleum Labs (SPL) | TestAmerica | True Blue-EOS Westbay Divers Ivey-sol | U.S. Geological Survey

Sponsors and Exhibitors: GRA is pleased to invite participants to sponsor Conference functions or to exhibit at the Conference, including during the President's Reception. Please contact Mary Megarry at mmegarry@nossaman.com or 916-446-3626 for more information; for Sponsorship & Exhibitor Opportunities see http://www.grac.org/se.doc


Instructor: Dr. Dennis Helsel

This course will be held the day before GRA's 17th Annual Meeting.
Register using the Annual Meeting registration form >>

Lets face it, statistics wasn't your favorite course in college. It didn't seem to connect with real life, or even ground water science. But now you need to make sense of your data. This workshop will help those jilted by statistics to be reconciled.

We will look together at basic principles of data analysis, including when to transform data and why, how to handle outliers, what hypothesis tests are good for, and how to build a good regression
equation. Advantages of newer nonparametric and permutation tests for scientific applications will be highlighted. Common pitfalls of traditional methods will be discussed. Attending this workshop will clear up misconceptions, point to further resources, and get you heading in the right direction.


Dr. Dennis Helsel (PhD, Environmental Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech) has 30 years experience applying statistics to environmental science. He is the lead author of the popular textbook "Statistical Methods in Water Resources" (USGS,2002) and of "Nondetects And Data Analysis" (Wiley, 2005) as well as many technical articles. Dr. Helsel was the 2003 recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award from the American Statistical Association's section on Statistics and the Environment, and of the Dept. of Interior's Distinguished Service Award in 2007. He has trained scientists in the US and internationally since 1990, and does statistical consulting through his company, Practical Stats.

This field trip will be held the day before GRA's 17th Annual Meeting.
Register using the Annual Meeting registration form >>

The Orange County Water District is world renowned for its groundwater management, seawater barrier operations and water reuse projects. Your tour will begin at the District’s headquarters where attendees will be treated to lunch and a 30-minute overview of the Orange County groundwater basin.  The tour then departs for OCWD’s recharge facilities in Anaheim to see first-hand how OCWD diverts and percolates more than 200,000 acre-feet per year of Santa Ana River water and other water into the basin aquifers.  Points of interest on the recharge facility portion of the tour include an inflatable rubber diversion dam, riverbed levees/in-stream percolation, deep off-stream recharge basins, and operational issues associated with sediment control and removal to maximize percolation.

After visiting the recharge facilities, the tour returns to OCWD’s Fountain Valley campus and the Groundwater Replenishment (GWR) System, the world’s largest indirect potable reuse project of its kind.  Currently in its first year of operation, the state-of-the-art GWR System purifies highly treated sewer water using microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultra violet light with hydrogen peroxide for advanced oxidation to produce 70 million gallons of day of near-distilled quality water.  The purified water becomes the supply source for OCWD’s Talbert Seawater Intrusion Barrier (approximately 30 mgd), with the remainder of the water pumped up to the Anaheim recharge basins.  OCWD’s staff will point out and explain each key component of the treatment process.  Come see the facility that is helping to lead the way to a reliable water future for California. The GWR System tour may last up to 60 minutes, so comfortable pants and shoes are recommended.  Bring your sunglasses and avoid wearing open-toed shoes. Cameras are permitted.

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