
9 Things You Should Know About Trees

#1 - Don't Top Trees!
#2 - 1/3 and 1/4 Rules of Pruning
#3 - How to Make a Pruning Cut
#4 - The Value of Mulch
#5 - Where Roots Really Grow
#6 - Girdling Kills Trees
#7 - How to Plant a Containerized Tree
#8 - How to Plant a Bare-root Tree
#9 - Your Street Trees May Be City Trees

The cultivation of trees is the cultivation of the good,
the beautiful, and the ennobling in man.
—J. Sterling Morton

Trees beautify our surroundings, increase property values, and help save energy.

Utilities supply our homes with electricity, gas, telephone service and cable television.

Yet along our city streets, tree limbs and utility lines compete in the air, while tree roots, cables, and pipes vie for space below ground.

Resolving this conflict without resorting to practices that harm trees is the goal of Tree Line USA.

Study these 9 suggestions for properly planting and caring for trees.

Learn more about how trees and utilities can coexist through careful pruning, tunneling instead of trenching around roots, and matching the size of the tree at maturity to the planting location on our Tree Line USA page.

» The benefits of trees