The Other Crown Jewels
Crown Jewels
National Bison Range
  Upper Souris NWR
Okefenokee NWR
Laguna Atascosa NWR
Parker River NWR
Chincoteague NWR
Bosque del Apache NWR
Don Edwards San Francisco Bay NWR
Horicon NWR
Kenai NWR


You don't have to go to Yosemite or Yellowstone to enjoy nature's greatest spectacles. America's national wildlife refuges not only have it all, odds are there's one virtually around the corner from you.

The National Wildlife Refuge System has 540 sites spread across all 50 states. The system protects 282 species that are federally listed as either threatened or endangered, including 56 birds, 46 mammals, and 96 plants. If some refuges are shorter on visitor facilities than the national parks, many-including 10 of Audubon's favorites listed here-are well set up to receive you, inform you, and prepare you for an experience you'll never forget. Besides the chance to see an amazing array of birds and other wildlife, many refuges offer a host of recreational opportunities, from hiking to fishing and canoeing. Remember, though, that with few exceptions, national wildlife refuges do not allow camping. At the same time, more than half do allow seasonal hunting and fishing.

Another one of the great things about wildlife refuges is their accessibility. If none of these visitor-friendly refuges are near you, rest assured there are others that are. In fact, in all likelihood there's a refuge within an hour of your house. Log on to and you'll be able to find your own perfect refuge.