Birding / Wild Birds

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Bird Profiles

Birds look and behave differently, and being familiar with species’ characteristics can help you identify them properly and understand their behavior. These bird profiles have all the details you need, from a bird’s colors and markings to sounds, habitat range and reproductive habits.
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Detailed bird profile of the Eurasian collared-dove: appearance, foods, habitat, behavior and reproduction. Includes tips for attracting Eurasian collared-doves to your backyard.
State Birds
List of offical state birds for all 50 states.
Northern Cardinal
Detailed bird profile of the northern cardinal: appearance of both genders, foods, habitat, behavior and reproduction. Includes tips for attracting northern cardinals to your backyard.
Wild Turkey
Detailed bird profile of the wild turkey: appearance, foods, habitat, behavior and reproduction. Includes tips for attracting wild turkeys.
Golden Eagle
Detailed bird profile of the golden eagle: appearance, foods, habitat, behavior and reproduction. Includes tips for where to spot golden eagles.
Common Raven
Detailed bird profile of the common raven: appearance, foods, habitat, behavior, voice and reproduction. Includes tips for attracting ravens to your backyard.
Downy Woodpecker
Detailed bird profile of the downy woodpecker: appearance, foods, habitat, behavior and reproduction. Includes tips for attracting these woodpeckers to your backyard.
Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Detailed bird profile of the sharp-shinned hawk: appearance, foods, habitat, behavior and reproduction. Includes tips for attracting these hawks to your backyard.
Western Scrub-Jay
Detailed bird profile of the western scrub-jay: appearance, foods, habitat, behavior and reproduction. Includes tips for attracting these jays to your backyard.

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